Red Team Cyber Security


Hacking Your Business: The Offensive Approach

Security Testing Services

Xploit offer a range of penetration testing services, with the goal to identify and resolve security concerns before hackers are able to exploit them.

Websites are vulnerable to hacking due to their global accessibility and constant exposure to the internet. This 24/7, 365-day exposure provides hackers with opportunity to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorised access. Websites are often overlooked, left to third party provider management and as a result, become easy targets. It's crucial for website owners to test their digital assets and take measures to protect their online presence.

In today's business landscape, people and processes are the most vulnerable aspects of an organisation's security posture. Human error, coupled with the intricacies of internal systems, creates an environment where security breaches can thrive. As the weakest link in the security chain, it's essential for businesses to prioritise the protection of their people and processes.

Business networks are the backbone of an organisation's operations, but their increased connectivity also creates a perpetual window of opportunity for malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorised access. To protect their networks, businesses must take proactive measures, as they are often the most critical infrastructure in the security chain.

At Xploit, we mimic real world hackers, how they think, how they choose their targets, and how they exploit vulnerabilities to expose security weaknesses. We do this so we can confidently advise on the most appropriate actions to take, to reduce a businesses cyber risk.
— Michael Impett | Managing Director | Xploit

Why Xploit?

Our goal at Xploit is to create long lasting relationships with our customers, we do that by building TRUST through TRANSPARENCY.